TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD (America Online 9.1):

Note: You must sign on to a Master Screen Name account in order to be able to change the password for the Master Screen Name account or any sub-account.

Note 2: If you cannot remember your current password, call America Online at 1-888-265-8004. They will then give you a temporary password. You can change the temporary password to a permanent one using these instructions after you sign on.

1) Click on the Settings button at the top of the America Online window.

2) Click on Screen Names.

3) Click on Change next to whichever Screen Name you want to change the password for.

4) Type the answer to the Security Question (such as What is your favorite food?).

5) Click on the Continue button.

6) Type the new password you want in the New Password: box. The new password must be between 6 and 16 characters and should consist of letters, numbers and symbols (such as @, #, $).

7) Type the new password again in the Confirm Password: box below.

8) Click on the Save button.

9) Sign off of America Online.

10) If you have ü Save Password checked on the Sign On window for that Screen Name, be sure to click to remove the check mark. Type in your new password, then click on the Sign On button.

11) When you are sure the new password works, click on ü Save Password again if you don't want to have to type in the new password each time you sign on.