1) If you receive an e-mail message with an attached file, be sure to write down or remember the filename (such as, "committee meeting notes.doc", "" "babypix.mim" or "my picture.jpg").

2) Click on the Paper Clip button at the lower right portion of the screen. Click on the file name you wrote down above.

3) Click on Open it.

4) If it is a Forwarded Message (which is designated by a "FW:" or "FWD:" in front of the Subject), double-click on the tiny icon of the file in the "Attachments" box.

[5) If you see another Forwarded Message, keep double-clicking on the tiny icon in the "Attachments" box until you are finally able to read the text of the message sent by the first person in the chain.]

6) Wait a few moments for the file to be downloaded (transferred) to your computer.

7) If a picture or document doesn't appear right away on the screen, then do the following:

1) Find the file that you just downloaded. It will most likely have a ".jpg," ".doc," or ".zip" extension on the end of the filename; for example, "my" or "my dog.jpg."

2) Double-click on the icon for the file you just downloaded. If it is a ".doc" file, then Microsoft Word should automatically start and a Word document should appear on the screen. If it is a ".jpg" file, then it is a picture file, and a picture should appear on the screen in a few seconds. If it is a ".zip" or ".mim" file, then it may be a group of pictures that have been combined into one file and compressed to save download time (see step 7 below).

[Note: If nothing happens when you double-click on the file, or if a window pops up in the middle of the screen asking you which program to use to open the file, then your computer is not properly configured to handle ".zip," ".mim" or ".jpg" files. You may need to install a "Zip" or compression/decompression program like WinZip, Zip Magic or QuickView Plus to decompress this file. Ask your computer consultant to install a program that can handle these files if you don't know how.]

[3) If you have WinZip installed on your computer, click on "I agree" to the legalese on the WinZip Registration screen. If you would like to get WinZip, click on this link.

4) Click and drag each of the files you see in the WinZip window to the partially-covered Windows Explorer window underneath.

5) Or just double-click on each file to open and view the pictures. (If the computer says that the file cannot be opened, then it may not be a picture file.)]

8) To print the picture, click on File, then on Print. (Depending on which program the computer uses to open the picture, the picture may or may not print out on a single sheet of paper. (See our instructions for Adobe PhotoDeluxe or Paint Shop Pro for a better way to open and edit picture files.)