I. Logging on (Connecting) to the Internet:

1) Double-click on the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop (the big, blue lowercase "e")  -or- single-click on the same icon next to the Start button.

[2) Type in your Password–if it is not already stored–and press the Enter key on the keyboard (if the computer doesn’t automatically dial out).]

3) Wait about 30 seconds for your computer to dial in to or access your Internet Access Provider (Comcast, Road Runner, Cox, etc.)

4) Click once in the long white box next to "Address". Type in the address for the web site you want, such as and then press the Enter key (or click on the Go button alongside the box).

5) If you get an error message saying that there is no such "URL" (address), then you typed the address in incorrectly, or you are not connected to your Internet Service Provider.

6) Wait up to a minute or so for the web page to "download" (be transferred to your computer from their computer) and be visible on your screen. (If you have to wait longer than about 2 minutes, you might want to click on the Stop button at the top of the window and go on to the next website by typing in another, different website address.)
II. Using Favorites (to store the addresses of your favorite sites on the web):

1) After you arrive at a new site (for example, the New York Times website) and if you wish to store the address in your Favorites list, click on Favorites, then on Add to Favorites.

2) Click on Favorites again, and you will see "The New York Times" at the bottom of the Favorites menu pad.

3) When you wish to visit that site again in the future, just click on Favorites, then on the line that reads, "The New York Times".

III. Navigating your way on the web:

1) Click on the Back button (if it is not dimmed out) at the top of the browser window to return to the previous web page you just saw.

2) Click on the Forward button (if it is not dimmed out) to go "back" to the "newest" web page you saw (if you clicked on the Back button).

3) Click on the Reload button if it seems that you have received only part of the web page or if the browser seems "stuck."

IV. Your History List (a list of all the websites you have visited during your current session and for the most recent previous sessions at the computer):

1) Click on the History button.

2) Click on the website address in the History List (on the left side of the screen) where you would like to return to.

3) To close the History List, click on the "X" button.

V. Printing out the text and (sometimes) the graphics on a web page:

1) Be sure your printer is turned on and has paper in it.

2) Click on File, then on Print.

3) If the web page that you wish to print out has frames (the window is divided up into "panes"), then click on Print Frame, then on one of the following:

i) Click on "As laid out on screen", if you wish to print out the web page pretty much like it appears on the screen;

ii) Click on "Only the selected frame", if you wish to print out only the frame where the cursor is (click somewhere in the frame first);

iii) Click on "All frames individually", if you wish to print out all the frames on separate pieces of paper (you will get 2 or more pages with pretty much one frame on each page).

4) Otherwise, if there are no frames, then just click on OK to print out the web page(s).

[Note: You can click and drag the gray bars between the frames with the double-headed, black arrows to make the frames larger or smaller.]

VI. Logging off (disconnecting) from the Internet:

1) Click on the Close button (the "X" button) at the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

2) If a small windows that says, "There are open modem connections. Would you like to close them?" appears on the screen, click on Yes.

3) Otherwise, if the small window doesn’t appear, double-click on the tiny icon at the lower right-hand corner of the screen (next to the clock) that looks like two computers connected together with a cable . Then click on the Disconnect button.