Note: The Windows Vista Backup program is a backup program that comes free with Windows Vista. It is much easier to use than backup programs from other companies, but is less customizable.


Note: Be sure to remember to leave your computer ON at the scheduled time (for example, every Sunday at 7:00 PM). You may want to write the day and time on an Avery File Folder label and affix the label to the frame of your LCD monitor.

1) Click on Start, then on Control Panel, then double-click on the Backup and Restore Center icon.

2) Click on the Back up files button.

3) On the Where do you want to save your backup? window,  click on the Down Arrow next to whatever is in the On a hard disk, CD or DVD: box,  then click on the removable hard drive that you have, such as a Western Digital "My Book" or a LaCie External Hard Drive.

4) Click on the Next button.

5) On the Which file types do you want to back up? window, click to put a check mark next to whatever you want to back up, such as  Pictures, Music, Videos, E-mail, Documents, TV shows, etc.

6) Click on the Next button.

7) On the How often do you want to create a backup? window, click to select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, then select the day of the week, such as Sunday (if you selected Weekly) or the day of the month, such as 1 (if you selected Monthly).

In the What time: box, select the time of the backup (such as 7:00 PM).

8) Click on Save settings and start backup.

9) Wait a few minutes for the backup to complete.

10) Close the Windows Backup window.


1) Click on Start, then on Control Panel, then double-click on the Backup and Restore Center icon.

2) Click on the blue Change settings, which is right under the Back up files button.

3) Click on the Change backup settings button at the bottom of the Backup Status and Configuration window.

4) On the Where do you want to save your backup? window,  click on the Down Arrow next to whatever is in the On a hard disk, CD or DVD: box,  then click on the removable hard drive that you have, such as a Western Digital "My Book" or a LaCie External Hard Drive.

5) Click on the Next button.

6) On the Which file types do you want to back up? window, click to put a check mark next to whatever you want to back up, such as  Pictures, Music, Videos, E-mail, Documents, TV shows, etc.

7) Click on the Next button.

8) On the How often do you want to create a backup? window, click to select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, then select the day of the week (if you selected Weekly) or the day of the month (if you selected Monthly).

In the  What time: box, select the time of the backup (such as 11:00 PM).

9) Click on Save settings and exit.

10) Close the Backup Status and Configuration window.