<Windows 98/ME/XP>
1) Double-click on the Adobe PhotoDeluxe icon on the desktop.
2) Click on the Get & Fix Photo button.
3) Click on the Get Photo tab.
4) Click on the Scanners 6 button.
5) Click on "HP Precision Scan…", then click on the OK button.
6) Click on the 1 Mode tab.
7) Click on the Guided button.
8) Click on the Printed Document button.
9) Click on the 3 Sizing tab. Choose the size you want ("Original 100%", or "Larger 150%",
or "200% or More").
10) Click on the Type tab. Choose "Color Photo", "B&W Photo", "Line Art",
or "Text".
11) Click on the 5 Scan tab. Click on the Scan button.
12) Click on the Done tab.
13) Click on the + button to zoom in on the picture, or the - button to zoom out. You can also click on where it
says, "100% 6", and click on "6%", "12%", "25%", "33%", or whatever.
14) Click on the Touch Up tab.
15) Click on "Extensis IntelliFix" to automatically improve the brightness and contrast.
[16) Or click on the 1 Instant Fix tab.
17) Click on the 2 Tune tab. Then click on the Brightness Contrast button. You can then click &
drag the slider to the left or right to increase or decrease the brightness and contrast.
18) Click on the 3 Adjust tab. Then click on the Color Balance button. Click & drag the slider
to the left or right to increase/decrease the color balance for red, green, and blue. (Look on the image to see
a preview of the change.)
19) Click on the 4 Done tab when you are finished.
20) Click on the Fix Color button. Then click on the 1 Variations tab. Click on the Variations
button, then click on the More Green button, the More Yellow button, or one of the other buttons.
Click on OK.
21) Click on the Done tab.
22) Click on the Appearance button. Click on the 1 Instant Fix tab. You can click on the "Extensis
IntelliFix" button to automatically fix the photo, or:
23) Click on the 2 Tune tab. Then click on the Brightness Contrast button, and change the brightness
and/or contrast to your liking.
24) Click on the 3 Adjust tab, then click on the Color Balance button and change the Color Balance
to your liking.]
25) Click on the Size Orientation button, then click on the 1 Straighten tab. Click on Straighten.
You can also click on the 2 Adjust tab, then click on Rotate Left or Rotate Right to rotate
the image 90° to the left or right respectively.
26) Click on the 3 Trim tab, then click on the Trim button. Use the + cursor and click and
drag a "selection rectangle" diagonally over the part of the image that you want to keep. Then click
on OK.
27) Click on the 5 Done tab when you are finished.
28) Click on the 4 Size tab, then click on the Photo Size button. Type in a new width and height
in inches (or whatever measurement scale you wish-click on the Down Arrow 6 and select the measurement system
you want.). Click on OK.
29) Click on the 5 Done tab when you are finished.
30) Click on the Sharpen button if you wish to sharpen the image.
31) Click on the Color to B&W button if you wish to convert the image to just black and white.
32) Click on the Repair tab if you wish to do the following:
i) Remove Red Eye - this removes the red dot in people's eyes that sometimes occurs when you use a flash to take their picture. Zoom in on the eyes and use the "selection rectangle" over the red dot. Then click on the Remove Red Eye button. Then click on the Done tab.
ii) Restore Old Photo - this removes the rips and tears in an old photograph.1) Click on the Clone button.
2) You will see a "Crosshairs" cursor appear somewhere on the image.
3) Click & drag this Crosshairs cursor to an area of the image where you would like to pick up the underlying color or texture.
4) Click on the size and shape of the "Painting" cursor that you want. Then click & drag this cursor over the rips and tears in the image. Notice that the Crosshairs cursor moves in conjunction with and parallel with the Painting cursor and picks up the color and texture of the underlying areas of the image.
iii) Remove Elements - you can use a Selection pen to select an area, then remove it by using the Cloning tool:
1) Click on the Smart Select button.
2) Use the + cursor and click & drag on the outline of the area you wish to remove. Click once on every point ("node") along the outline where you change directions. Double-click when you return to the starting point on the outline.
3) Click on the Trashcan button .
iv) Remove Noise - click on this to remove "noise" from the image (like the noise you see on a TV channel that has no signal).
1) Click on the 1 Graininess tab.
2) Click & drag the diameter line in the circle x clockwise or counterclockwise to match the direction of the grain.
3) Click & drag the Smoothness slider to the right or left to the desired smoothness.
4) Click on the 2 Moire tab. Do the same as above to get rid of "moire" patterns (the colorful shimmering effect you get on video or photographs which are caused by closely- spaced vertical lines on, for example, a shirt or jacket.)
5) Click on the 3 JPEG tab. "JPEG" is a widely used image file format, which is particularly suited to the Internet, because JPEG compresses photographic-type images to reduce the time that it takes for them to appear on web pages.
6) Click & drag the Smoothness slider here, too, to reduce the "roughness" in the image.
7) Click on the 4 Done tab when you are finished.
v) Retouch Face - use the Cloning tool and Crosshairs cursor here, too, to take lines and other imperfections out of a subject's face (see the "Restore Old Photo" section above).
vi) Remove Dust - use this to remove tiny white or black spots that are caused by dust on the glass plate of the scanner or on the photo (original) itself.
1) Click on the 1 Select tab.
2) Click & drag the selection cursor over the areas where you want to remove the dust.
3) Click on the 2 Dust & Scratches tab.
4) Click & drag the Radius slider to the left or right to set the minimum radius of the dust particles that will be removed.
5) Click & drag the Threshold level to the left or right to set the minimum threshold of visibility for the dust particles.
6) Click on the 3 Done tab when you are done.vii) Color Eye - use this command to change the color of someone's eyes.
1) Click on the 1 Zoom tab. Then click on the + or - button to zoom in on the eyes -or- use the magnifying glass tool.
2) Click on the 2 Select tab. Click on the Color Wand.
3) Use the Color Wand to select each eye. (The tool will automatically select the eye area, and only the eye area.) If you make a mistake, click on the Select None button.
4) Click on the 3 Color tab.
5) Click on the Color button.
6) Click on the color you want for the eyes.
7) Click on OK.
8) Click on the 4 Paint tab.
9) Click on the paintbrush size and "fuzziness" you want.
10) Click on the Done tab.
33) Click on the Special Effects button (on the Main Button Bar).
34) You can experiment with the following special effects:
Artistic = Sketch, Old-Fashioned, Silhouette, Drop Shadow, Vignette, Tint.
Transform = Distort, Motion, Perspective, Glowing Edges, Make Transparent, Negative.
Collage = Trick Scale, Composition, Panorama, Change Background, Background Effects, Pattern Fill.
Cool = Page Curl, Chalk & Charcoal, Cloud Texture, Chrome, Neon Glow, Patchwork, Funnel.
Elegant = Colored Pencil, Bas Relief, Note Paper, Crackling, Solarize, Accented Edges, Emboss.
[Remember: You can always click on the Undo button if you are not satisfied with the results and wish to
return the image to the way it was.]
35) When you are finished manipulating your image, click on the Send & Save button (on the Main Button
i) Click on the To Disk tab.
1) Click on Screen Saver or Screen Wallpaper (desktop background) if you want to use your image for these purposes.
2) Click on Export, then select the image file format you want: "JPEG" (better for photographs) or "GIF" (better for images containing large blocks of color, such as logos).
3) Click on Save if you want to save this image on your hard disk or on a floppy disk (or Zip Drive cartridge). Unfortunately, the image can only be saved in the PhotoDeluxe format (.pdd) using this button. If you wish to save it in any other format, you can do so by clicking on File, then Save As.
ii) Click on the To Printer tab to print your image.
1) Click on Page Setup if you want to change the resolution (dots per inch), number of colors, or the type of paper used to print the image out (or to save ink, using what is called, for example, the "EconoFast" setting on HP Deskjet printers).
2) Click on Print Preview if you want to see what the image will look like on the screen before you print it out on a sheet of paper.
3) Click on Print if you are (finally) ready to print out your image on a sheet of paper.
4) Click on Multiple on a Page if you wish to print out many copies of your image on one sheet of paper (i.e., print out many snapshot-size prints on one sheet of photo quality paper).
iii) Click on the E-mail/Web tab.
1) Click on the E-mail button.
2) Click on the 1 Trim tab, 2 Size tab, 3 Reduce tab and then finally on the 4 Mail tab (see steps 29 and 30 above). [Note: The 4 Mail tab only works for the Microsoft Exchange e-mail program (which many businesses use).]
3) To e-mail your image using Earthlink, AOL, or any of the major services, click once on the image, then click on Edit, then on Copy. Start your e-mail program, open a new message window, then click in the text area of your message window. Then click on Edit, then on Paste. (This only works for the latest versions of Netscape Messenger, Microsoft Internet Explorer/Outlook Express, and so on.)
36) Click on the Advanced tab if you want to see almost all of the main buttons above in one place (Color
Change, Clone, Erase, Rotate, Resize, Special Effects, Touch Up, Repair, Remove Dust, etc.)
1) Click on File, then on Save As.
2) Click on "Photodeluxe" (as the type of file).
3) Type in a filename (like "Bob and Me") under Filename:.
4) Type in a title in the Gallery section (you can use the same name as the filename, i.e., "Bob and
5) Click on Save.
1) Click on File, then on New.
2) Click & drag each photo you want in the montage from the filmstrip (the "Gallery") over to the
blank white page.
3) Click in the center of each image, then click & drag the lower-right hand corner handle up and to the left
to make the image smaller (or down and to the right to make the image larger).
4) To move the image, click in the middle of the image to get the 4-headed arrows cursor and then drag the image
to its new location.